Soccer (football) in Korea

4 04 2010

At the stadium

Today I went to a soccer game, between the FC Seoul and Suwon Samsung Bluewings. It’s strange here that almost all the teams, not only soccer but other sports as well, are named after the corporations that own them (as oppose to the  US where it’s named after cities). We cheered on the FC Seoul team, I even bought a scarf (18,000 won or $15.98). It’s a nice scarf.

The scarf that I bought!

My ticket (12,000 won or $10.65)

Entering the stadium-> seats

FC Seoul poster

The blue in the distance=visiting team: Suwon Samsung Bluewings

Oh funny thing happened, an older Korean man yelled at (okay not yell, but crankily told) me at some point in the game to “not put my feet on the seat in front of me because how would I like it if someone put their feet on the seat next to mine.” What? Ok, whatever it was an empty seat, but I guess Koreans even have different etiquette at sporting events. I should learn to follow it right? I’ll think about it.

Home section

I have to say that the game was pretty slow and bad, these teams wouldn’t be able to handle European teams at all. However, the team I was cheering for did win 3:1.

The game

Youtube video of some of it:

Afterwards-> leaving



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